Here are 5 Essential Elements for Your Mobile Website:
1- Content. If you are at all experienced in web design, then you’ve most likely heard the phrase, “content is king.” Mobile web design relegates content to a new level, underneath navigability. Sure, it is still important that your content is accurate, relevant, informative, and easy to understand. However, the most important thing is that your content is short, concise, and free of any unnecessary verbiage. A good rule of thumb is that it should all fit on one page (and on a tiny mobile device screen, at that).
2- Graphics and navigation buttons. Keep the touch screen in mind when designing a mobile website. Any good mobile site should have thumb-friendly navigation buttons. Additionally, other graphics should be kept to a minimum.
3- Single column layout. You don’t want your site visitors to have to work to view your page. It should not be necessary to zoom or scroll to fit your site’s content on the screen. The most effective way to display your mobile website is in a single column, which will be compatible with most smart phone screens.
4 – Use the mobile device’s inbuilt functionality. This refers to all of those things a mobile device can do that a desktop or laptop can’t do — phone calls and GPS, for example. To aid the user experience, provide a way to access these features so that your site visitors can call or locate your business with just the touch of a button.
5- Navigation layout. In addition to having simple, large-scale navigation buttons and search boxes, you should also arrange your site’s navigation tools in a way that integrates well into the column format. You may opt to stack them, put them in a drop-down menu at the top or bottom of the page, or present them as the home page.
Mobile web design is a whole new ballgame. It is important to keep all of these factors in mind if you are to build an effective mobile website. To get the most out of your mobile design, contact us by phone, at 877-964-2729, or by email: